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Sangji Ritzvil, the wonder you have never experienced before

The name RITZVIL consists of two words: RITZ, meaning luxurious, and VILLA, meaning a large house. RITZ is a Sangji Caelum’s luxurious residential brand, and its goal is to provide a highest standard living in the market. First introduced in 1998, Ritzvil has been recognized for its exceptional interior design and detailed work time after time. We are consistently working to increase the level of comfort and pride that the luxury villa can offer only.

Sangji Caelum, a place for leaders of the era

CAELUM, a Latin word for heaven, is our premium luxury housing brand, and it provides the unparalleled residential spaces and values. Residents can enjoy the dignified residential culture by experiencing the traditional values of luxury housing and high-level cultural activities.

Sangji Caelus, an exceptional residential community

CAELUS, meaning ‘God in heaven’, is our premium apartment brand, combining our know-hows from RITZVIL and CAELUM with the advantages of apartments complexes. By accepting only the merits of the complexes, such as its manageability, efficiency, etc. and redesigning its standardized layout to create a pleasant and noble community, CAELUS provides the exceptional residential culture to the residents.

5F, 12, Hakdong-ro 31-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

TEL  +82-2-517-5174     FAX  +82-2-517-5160

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5F, 12, Hakdong-ro 31-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea     TEL  +82-2-517-5174     FAX  +82-2-517-5160

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